Chiropractic Treatment After A Car Accident; How Low Back Pain Is Managed

Car accidents can cause all kinds of soft tissue damage on your body. If you find yourself with low back pain, an initial consultation with a chiropractor can make a big difference. A chiropractor can help ease the pain and stiffness after a car accident using a variety of techniques. From massage and ultrasound to chiropractic adjustments to get your spine in alignment, chiropractic care offers you natural healing when you are in pain. Even if you are seeing other treatment providers for your lower back pain, a chiropractor is not going to interfere with the treatment. It is an excellent complementary therapy to any other treatment you are receiving after a car accident or when you have lower back pain.

Managing Your Inflammation 

When you have lower back pain, the inflammation can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. Chiropractic treatment uses ultrasounds to help break up soft tissue scarring and promote blood flow to the area. Massage may be used as well as hot and cold therapy. Your chiropractor may teach you exercises to help stretch and strengthen the area so that the inflammation is better managed.

When Range of Motion is Effected

If you find yourself having trouble moving around because of lower back pain, the range of motion is probably affected. A chiropractor will look at your back to see if it is in alignment and make any corrections through chiropractic adjustments. You are likely to feel relief after an adjustment but will need to see your chiropractor several times a week in the beginning for more consistent pain relief.

Consistency is Key With Chiropractic Care

You will be asked to come in to see your chiropractor several times a week when you are in acute pain. This is because your muscles, ligaments, and tendons are strained and need consistent work in order to heal. You will discover that your symptoms lessen and you can go longer in between sessions with fewer symptoms. As your lower back pain becomes easier to manage, you will start going to the chiropractor less. Over time, you will begin going once a month or so, just for maintenance appointments.

If you are in pain after a car accident, chiropractic care is a natural way to heal from your injuries. Your ability to heal is enhanced because of the improved blood flow, and you will be back to the things you love faster when you get chiropractic treatments.
