3 Common Car Accident Injuries That Require Chiropractor Treatments

A car accident can be one of the most traumatizing experiences that a person can ever go through. It is not uncommon for people involved in an accident to experience headaches, neck pain, back pain, and more. Fortunately, there are many ways that car accident chiropractor treatments can help you recover from these and many other accident-related injuries.

Here are the most common injuries that require urgent car accident chiropractor treatments:

Head and Neck Injuries

After a car accident, there is a high risk of neck sprain or strain. This places pressure on the joints and muscles of your neck, causing muscle spasms and radiating pain to the shoulders, arms, and hands that may even travel down into your fingers. Head and neck injuries often occur when the person's head makes contact with the steering wheel. Symptoms mainly include pain on one side of the head, nausea, headache, dizziness, and double vision.

Low Back Pain and Strain

Low back pain can occur due to the friction of seatbelts and hitting the steering wheel or dashboard during a crash. Symptoms include radiating pain down one leg, difficulty standing up straight, and numbness in the legs. Low back pain can last for months and can become permanent if not treated quickly.

Chest Injuries

Chest injuries are not as common as head and neck trauma, but they can be severe if they occur. In some instances, you may only suffer from mild bruising on the chest after a car accident. In other instances, you can break several ribs due to the impact of hitting the steering wheel. Symptoms to watch include difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, and chest pain when taking a deep breath.

How Car Accident Chiropractor Treatments Can Help

The car accident chiropractor may use therapies to manage excess stress or tension, including deep tissue massage and physical therapy. In some extreme cases, chiropractic adjustments may be necessary.

For instance, if you have experienced whiplash, chiropractors will work on the neck and upper back to restore mobility. This can be achieved by using gentle pressure or traction on your neck, combined with an adjustment on your spine.

Essentially, chiropractors use their hands to manipulate a patient's spine and neck muscles to relieve pain, reduce stiffness, and improve mobility. They may also recommend exercises to help maintain spinal health.

The Bottom Line

Car accident chiropractor treatments are necessary because most auto accidents can leave a large amount of tension in the muscles and nerves. Without the necessary chiropractic care, this tension will remain and will continue to cause pain and discomfort.
